Chinese civilization: a sourcebook

Chinese civilization

Simon & Schuster

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Chinese civilization: a sourcebook. Chinese Civilization sets the standard for supplementary texts in Chinese history courses. With newly expanded material, personal documents, social records, laws, and documents that historians mistakenly ignore, the sixth edition is even more useful than its classic predecessor. A complete and thorough introduction to Chinese history and culture. Chinese Civilization sets the standard for supplementary texts in Chinese history courses. With newly expanded material, personal documents, social records, laws, and documents that historians mistakenly ignore, the sixth edition is even more useful than its classic predecessor. A complete and thorough introduction to Chinese history and culture.

Forfattere: Patricia Buckley (EDT) Ebrey Utgave: 2 utg.
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 544
ISBN: 9780029087527 Vekt: 982 g
Forlag: Simon & Schuster Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 1993 Veil. pris: 0 kr
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