Europe in the Sixteenth Century

Europe in the Sixteenth Century

  • 290 kr

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Europe in the Sixteenth Century. This bestselling, seminal book - a general survey of Europe in the era of `Rennaisance and Reformation' - was originally published in Denys Hay's famous Series, `A General History of Europe'.

It looks at sixteenth-century Europe as a complex but interconnected whole, rather than as a mosaic of separate states. The authors explore its different aspects through the various political structures of the age - empires, monarchies, city-republics - and how they functioned and related to one another. A strength of the book remains the space it devotes to the growing importance of town-life in the sixteenth century, and to the economic background of political change.

Forfattere: Utgave: ukjent
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 560
ISBN: 9780582418639 Vekt: 454 g
Forlag: Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 1999 Veil. pris: 0 kr
Kategori: Bøker
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