Taking Brand Initiative: How Companies Can Align Strategy, Culture, and Ident…

Taking Brand Initiative: How Companies Can Align Strategy, Culture, and Ident…

John Wiley & Sons

  • 149 kr

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Taking Brand Initiative: How Companies Can Align Strategy, Culture, and Ident…. Taking Brand Initiative offers a revolutionary approach to corporate branding that looks beyond the marketing value of brands company-to-customer and the HR significance of brands company-to-employee. It places the management of brands at the senior level of management as it radiates throughout the organization. In this groundbreaking book, international branding thought leaders, Mary Jo Hatch and Make Schultz explain how a company's brand is just as important to OoutsidersONpoliticians, suppliers, and analysts as it is to company insiders. They show how only the corporate brand can integrate all the company's staff functions and provide a vision for competition and globalization.

Forfattere: Majken Schultz, Mary Jo Hatch Utgave: ukjent
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 266
ISBN: 9780787998301 Vekt: 467 g
Forlag: John Wiley & Sons Innbinding: Innbundet
Utgitt: 2008 Veil. pris: 0 kr
Kategori: Økonomi, finans, næringsliv og ledelse
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