The Making of Urban Europe, 1000-1994

The Making of Urban Europe, 1000-1994

Harvard University Press

  • 260 kr

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The Making of Urban Europe, 1000-1994. By tracing the large-scale processes of social, economic and political change within cities, as well as the evolving relationships between town and country and between city and city, the authors present an original synthesis of European urbanization within a global context. The authors bring this edition up to date with a new chapter entitled "Europe's Cities in the 20th Century".

Forfattere: Lynn Hollen Lees, Lees Lynn Hollen, Paul M. Hohenberg, Hohenberg Paul M. Utgave: ukjent
Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 448
ISBN: 9780674543621 Vekt: 809 g
Forlag: Harvard University Press Innbinding: Heftet
Utgitt: 1995 Veil. pris: 0 kr
Kategori: Bøker
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